Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about a product or an order? 

Use our contact page to get in touch with us and we will do our best to get you a good answer!

Where will my order ship from?

We keep an inventory of merchandise stateside. Your order will be fulfilled by our volunteers in the southwest United States. 

How are shipping costs determined?

Please keep in mind that every dollar spent here goes directly to support the women of Kita Designs (including shipping!). With that said, we have recently revised our shipping calculation to be based on total order weight and we aim to use the most cost-efficient method of shipping available. Please contact us if you have questions regarding the shipping cost. Thank you for supporting the women of Kita Designs!

What about tax?

Where applicable, tax is calculated as a percentage during checkout.

How long will it take to get my product(s)?

We run a lean operation—orders are filled and shipped by volunteers as quickly as possible. Please allow us a couple days to get your order in the mail and it will probably arrive within a week.